
Jeong Woo GAME OF LIFE RULES The grid represents the area in which the game of life plays out. The grid size is correlated to the quantity of live and dead cell at any given moment. One is visually able to “see” life in a more detached vantage point. This can be a valuable tool when it comes to understanding …


In this adaptation of Conway’s Game of Life, I analyzed the difference between Fijian beauty ideals/body image and Western beauty ideals/body image. Anne Becker suggests that they are highly indicative of larger cultural values — Westerners idealizing the ‘inner self’, autonomy and independence while Fijians idealizing the ‘self’ as dependent and part of a larger community. The ideal Fijian body …


Two starter processing sketches served as prompts for the class.The first processing sketch was a modified Game of Life (GOL) script that, when implemented, changed the material form of a video file. The intended result was to understand how AL/AI can change digital material properties.In the second processing sketch, the class used Conway’s GOL to explore the relationship between form, …


Catherine Hsu My Game of Life demo depicts a visual representation of the mobility of political beliefs between people in close proximity physically (geographical sorting) and psychologically (confirmation bias) and how this leads to echo chambers. 1. BALANCING “OUTLIERS” AND “CONFORMERS” The grid that I created is 1600 by 912, and it represents an estimate of the U.S. population who …


I need 5000 dollar loan now with bad credit. ANDREW PIEPENBRINK Artificial intelligence in edge computing has arrived. Recent months have seen the advent of a number of platforms for bringing AI and ML to embedded systems. These systems fit in the palm of your hand, and they are beginning to erode the trope of AI as a creature inhabiting …


Charles Van Alst Danner & Benjamin T. Brodie GOAL: The goal of this project was to examine the practicable applications of machine learning in the fields of music composition and performance. Bassthoven is a neural-network driven generative Ai library written in Python that in its application here composes music in a style derived from the compositions of various contemporary and …


JEONG WOO SEO   People and place exist on a one plane and when digitally sonified another another plane is revealed. If one is to begin creating tools to, rekindle the relationship between humans and the place they inhabit, they must understand the multiple place(s) in which people and place are supported upon. OBJECTIVE To explore place and one’s relationship …


ODIE DESMITH GOAL / OR QUESTION: This project started as an assignment for a class I took at CalArts called Interface Design, where I learned about principles of design for interactivity from Ajay Kapur and Andrew Piepenbrink. In the class we were asked to create a controller for sound or other applications that worked in a new and unique way. …

Rain Road

Michaella Moon Rain road is based on the storybook, Rain Road, written by Michaella Moon and illustrated by Joanne Kim. The story follows the character Jane. Jane worries about her crops in the drought but manages to find a way to convince their friend Cloud to help them water their crops. As they skip along the dry desert; Cloud, overflowing …

Feedback Loops, All The Way Down

Feedback Loops, All The Way Down is an exploration of feedback loops and limited audience participation in an enclosed environment. The name comes from a mantra repeated in order to center and calm me down when I become overwhelmed by anxiety. The universe is a series of complex and interconnected feedback loops that influence every aspect of our lives and …