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Admission Requirements
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Academic Requirements
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Learning Goals
The MFA Music Technology program aims to built strong musical skills while promoting the mastery of a variety of music-related technologies in the context of pursuing creative work. Specifically, Music Technology students will have opportunities to:
- Become trained musicians able to work in a variety of musical ensembles and global music productions, with appropriate competencies in music theory and musicianship skills, while emphasizing the specialties of 21st Century music technology
- Develop professional-level skills allowing them to produce concerts, stage-manage, understand sound mixing and diffusion, and run stage monitoring and main audience sound
- Become skilled in and know how to run music studios at a high level for album and media production, including microphone techniques, software editors, audio effects, mixing, mastering, and the use of the Internet for audio production
- Develop thorough historical knowledge of electro-acoustic music as well as knowledge of the theory and operation of algorithms for traditional synthesis and audio effects production
- Become software engineers able to write computer code for websites for the Internet and understand advanced object-oriented computer languages for artistic expression
- Learn to design and build basic electronic circuits and make human computer interface designs for artistic practices
- Acquire knowledge of basic digital signal processing and how it relates to audio, including time and frequency domain processing and how these may be manipulated for artistic practices
- Develop high-level practical and professional skills, including the ability to synthesize diverse studies, project planning, execution, time management, and documentation of both technical and musical work at a level suitable for publication in a professional journal