Páramo Immersion

Luisa Pinzon Cash Loans USA Inspired by the Páramo ecosystem, a rare and fragile natural treasure found in only 3 countries, this art installation aims to evoke a sense of peace and serenity while raising awareness about the human impact on this vital environment. Preserving these ecosystems often requires significant financial resources. Local communities directly affected can play a crucial …

Where Is The Quiet?

McLean J. Macionis Where Is The Quiet? was a mixed-media installation that utilized immersive experience design and mechatronics for the purpose of improving individual and communal wellness as well as increasing connectivity to the natural world. Individuals interacted with the installation by watching a film projected onto a pair of perpendicular walls and listening to an original musical score played …


McLean J. Macionis Sansa is an extended sansula, a hyper-instrument that is similar in design and functionality to a kalimba or thumb piano. At the heart of this interface is a series of sensors that are used to augment the tone and expand the performance capacity of the instrument. The sensor data is further exploited through the use of the …

Words Trigger

Michaella Moon This project connects RunwayML, Processing, MaxMsp and TouchDesigner to create an audio and visual rich performance ещ rusbank.net. The audio and visuals are all triggered by the text typed into the program. As the text is randomly typed into the program by the audience, RunwayML’s AttnGAN takes those words to create a collaged image. Depending on the number …

Data Labeling for the Arts

Max Fishman This thesis paper addresses extensive research on how to augment the traditional data labeling workflow and annotation processing for machine learning and computer vision research, specifically for the development of new AI/ML tools for audio and visual artists. This paper explores how image classification, a type of artificial intelligence where computers learn to identify objects in images, can …


SOUND IMPRINTS AI.CULTURE.CREATIVITY. CLASS EXPLORATION: In this project, we explore privacy and location-based sound through distributed coral boards. Our larger goal is to use sound design to prototype the relationships and differences between centralized, distributed, and federated machine learning. In our first iteration, the Coral Boards were distributed across environments, but the data and the models were located in a …


I used to be a regular swimmer before moving to California. I was struggling trying to access a place that I can swim regular once I settled down. I made a set of conditions to determine rather I would go swimming based on my behaviors. Rules ● If the weather is warm, I will go to the beach (equals 1) …


I found that by setting the cells to die if they have less than 2 or more than 3 neighbors, and to be created when there are exactly 3 neighbors creates some very interesting shapes and processes. It seems that by balancing the amount of life and death, we can observe recursive behaviors (loops) in the shapes of the cells. …


  For this section, I messed around with the cellSize, probabilityOfAliveAtStart, and the various rules surrounding the number of neighbours surrounding a cell. I found that modifying these 3 statements along with the cell size produced some very interesting results. When you modify the cellSize you change the probability of a pattern occurring. A lower cell size has a higher …


I wanted to theorize a set of rules for how people with Social Anxiety function at social events, the rules conform a bit to what I found yielded a more visually pleasing output, but I was still able to justify the rules within the process. I’m looking forward to doing a lot more with these systems and want to hopefully …