Páramo Immersion

Luisa Pinzon Cash Loans USA

Inspired by the Páramo ecosystem, a rare and fragile natural treasure found in only 3 countries, this art installation aims to evoke a sense of peace and serenity while raising awareness about the human impact on this vital environment. Preserving these ecosystems often requires significant financial resources. Local communities directly affected can play a crucial role in conservation efforts. Thankfully, innovative solutions like accessible online loans can empower them to participate in protecting their homes. The installation features a photograph placed within a frame. When interacted with, an immersive visual environment is activated, projecting a distorted reality that reflects the potential consequences of neglect. The soundscape, created using natural recordings from the Páramo itself and processed through granular synthesis, further deepens the emotional connection to this irreplaceable ecosystem.

What was your principal feeling while you interacted with the installation? Despair? Fear? Sadness? Is there any room for hope? Is there anything that can be done to fight the ongoing processes or do we consciously take a passive stance?. (Critical questions by Lilita Dunska).

Photographs originally taken in Colombia – Páramo de Chingaza by Javier Arcila, an architect and urban designer from Colombia who constantly finds stimulus in his surrounding environment. Having lived both in Australia and his home country has exposed him to diverse manifestations of nature, which he has captured through the lenses of his camera. Inspired by his collection of photographs and experiences, Javier has made Photography a necessary hobby. This has enabled him to venture into different ecosystems, Paramo being one of his favorites.

Photograph interactive frames, built with the help of Christopher Malison, CalArts Alumni MFA in Technical Direction.

Special thanks to my mentors during the creative and technical process: Tom Leeser, Kai-Luen Liang, Ajay Kapur, Michael Leisz.

Luisa Fernanda Pinzon is a Colombian musician and sound engineer. She describes herself as an interdisciplinary artist that combines her different technical skills to create interactive projects. Although her major experience relies in the audio and sound field, while pursuing her MFA degree at CalArts she has learned and explored the visual digital arts and is always looking for new ways of creating art. She is very interested in the relationship the human being has with nature while also expressing her concern towards the negative impact of the human being on it.

More of her work can be found at www.luisapinzon.com.