Rodrigo Restrepo This interface is a small, handy controller, that allows extensive use of the fingers and hand, keeping in mind that those are ones of the more developed and skilled parts of the human body. Different sensors were combined and arranged in a small area of a curved surface. A curved surface was chosen because having in mind that …
Carl BurginThe Castro is a musical computer interface designed to give the user the flexible continuous control without loosing utility and portability. It is an instrument designed for the performer concerned more with precise musical control rather than theatrics but depending on it use, can be a very engaging live performance tool. The Castro consists of eight membrane potentiometers touch …
The Helio
Jim MurphyDesigned to allow audiences to directly view performers’ control inputs, the Helio features eight membrane potentiometers. The potentiometers, along with user-mappable LED indicators, are arranged in an upright manner, providing audiences with clear, unobstructed views of the performer interacting with audio or visual software. Each membrane potentiometer can be individually mapped, allowing for endless customization. Software allows the potentiometer …
metal + motors
The Machine Orchestra
Ajay Kapur & Michael Darling The Machine Orchestra is a networked ensemble of laptop performers inspired by the Princeton and Stanford Laptop Orchestras. In performance, each member of the ensemble uses hemispherical speaker to produce localized sound, while a master server coordinates millisecond-level OSC synchronization between performers. This networked aspect is critical to the inclusion of the heart of the …
REDCAT MFA Showcase 2024May 25, 2024Karmetik OrchestraMay 25, 2024 AnimalMay 23, 2023MTIIDMay 23, 2023 GRIDS BEATS GROUPS 2012May 23, 2023ChucK ConcertMay 23, 2023 Grids Beats Groups::David&&TomioMay 23, 2023Interface Concert 2012May 23, 2023 Mohammad Zareei | Ross Barmache (Interface Concert)May 23, 2023Inaaya at REDCATOctober 5, 2018 The HemisSeptember 12, 2016The Machine OrchestraSeptember 9, 2016 “The Magic Conductor” TEDx CalArtsMarch 5, 2013 …
Anthesizer IVMay 25, 2024Aditi’s Magic BoxMay 22, 2024Páramo ImmersionMay 26, 2023Where Is The Quiet?May 26, 2023Rain RoadMay 25, 2023Feedback Loops, All The Way DownMay 25, 2023(+/-) PendulumMay 23, 2023PHASE.1May 23, 2023Yatra – The Journey WithinMay 5, 2023Tulna तुलनाApril 6, 2023
ONOJuly 13, 2023SansaMay 26, 2023Chucked BrailleMay 25, 2023Meet The BotsMay 23, 2023HEMISPHERICAL SPEAKERSMay 23, 2023PuckMay 23, 2023 Kinect The SinesMay 23, 2023MPE LiDAR Midi InterfaceMay 6, 2023NamiAugust 25, 2020SQUISHBOIJuly 4, 2020GrainsJuly 2, 2020The Multi-Laser Gestural ControllerSeptember 12, 2016The ArduinomeSeptember 12, 2016Argos Interface BuilderSeptember 12, 2016Funk MachineSeptember 12, 2016FlexichordSeptember 12, 2016FaderBoxSeptember 12, 2016B.O.I.N.GSeptember 12, 2016Hand In HandSeptember 12, 2016CastroSeptember 12, 2016The …
Jeff Bryant The push_push sensors were made on a circular knitting machine. While knitting regular yarn, conductive thread is tied to the yarn and pulled through the machine with it. The first strips contained isolated patches of conductive thread, with power and ground connected to each, and were connected to a microcontroller with circuits suited for variable resistors. To reduce …