By Gauri Deshpande, MFA – Music TechnologyIntegrated Media Show & Installation at C-108 at CalArts10th to 15th April’23 Title of the Project: ‘Yatra – The Journey Within’ What the Project is About: Spirituality, Culture, Meditation “Yatra – The Journey Within” is a multi-channel and video installation that creates an immersive cultural experience for the audience! It is a spiritual journey through specialised …
Tulna तुलना
By Ajay Kapur, Ph.D. Presented at LACMA in Feb 2023 as part of the Art Coded Exhibition Comparison as discovery, equity, and morality, is the main inspiration for Tulna. When we make comparisons between two or more expressions, we discover the differences and similarities between them. This piece explores a dichotomy between wood and metal, traditional and modern, simplicity and complexity. …
Sara Sithi-Amnuai Nami is Sara Sithi-Amnuai’s custom built glove interface designed for live electro-acoustic musical performance, improvisation, and a tool to extend her own multicultural background – primarily drawing from and contributing to the augmented trumpet, Nikkei, African American music, performer-composer, and gestural repertoires. In the most recent iteration, Nami utilizes a force-sensitive-resistor (FSR), flex sensors, buttons, hall effect sensors, …
Meason Wiley & Amber Lepley
Meason Wiley and Amber Lepley Cycle is a large-scale kinetic sculpture made up of 16 – 3 ft white aluminum tubes. Each tube is suspended in the air by 12 feet of aircraft cable connected to pulleys. The aluminum tubes are driven by a 10′ x 24″ custom-designed and fabricated steel helix camshaft. The camshaft is attached to a variable …
Odie DeSmith SQUISHBOI is a continuous touch controller for interacting with complex musical systems. An elastic rubber membrane forms the playing surface of the instrument, while machine learning is used for dimensionality reduction and gesture recognition. The membrane is stretched over a hollow shell which permits considerable depth excursion, with an array of distance sensors tracking the surface displacement …
To Tip The Scales of Justice
What is justice? To each individual, some things seem just, some unjust. Each of us forms an opinion based on our cultural background, education, socio-economic status etc., as well as on our individual impression of the world based on our own personal experiences and the experiences of those close to us. As a society, it is of utmost importance that …
Swarm: Movement for Bodies and Strings
Kai Luen Liang The Swarm is an interactive installation exploring the relationship of human interaction with multiplied automatic sound objects. 8 stringed instruments are controlled by the viewers distance to the object. The score is to perform all the instruments at once, thus creating a mechanical drone mimicking the sound of a swarm of bees. The projected visuals are generative and created based on the interaction between …
Manufacturing Landscapes
Kai Luen Liang A short film investigating the metaphors of vision and landscapes used in Chinese surveillance hardware branding. Uses various Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN)/ machine learning image synthesis techniques to generate material related to vision and changing landscapes from traditional Chinese landscape brush paintings. Also looks at word associations with images by using text descriptions to generate images. The …
Kai Luen Liang Grains is a music interface made from a box of rice and custom electronics. It is both a sound object and way of controlling the sound it creates. The sound of the rice is recorded in real time and then processed by the pressure of the rice against the box. Both the sound and the input data of the …