Anthesizer IV Anthesizer, ‘Ant’ + ‘Synthesizer’, is a sound installation that transforms the activity of ants within their nest into a dynamic soundscape and LED sequence, akin to a conductor orchestrating a symphony. At the heart of the installation lies a network of optic sensors delicately embedded within the tubing connecting each chamber of the ant colony. As worker ants pass …

Aditi’s Magic Box

Aditi. Taken from Sanskrit, Aditi means ‘boundless and limitless’. This name honors the goddess of the sky and fertility in the Hindu Religion. This is a showcase of a robotic piece of art built in the Mechatronic Art class taught by Dr. Ajay Kapur. It is a mesmerizing box containing 15 kinetic pieces dynamically interacting with its audience through Lidar …

Páramo Immersion

Luisa Pinzon Cash Loans USA Inspired by the Páramo ecosystem, a rare and fragile natural treasure found in only 3 countries, this art installation aims to evoke a sense of peace and serenity while raising awareness about the human impact on this vital environment. Preserving these ecosystems often requires significant financial resources. Local communities directly affected can play a crucial …

Where Is The Quiet?

McLean J. Macionis Where Is The Quiet? was a mixed-media installation that utilized immersive experience design and mechatronics for the purpose of improving individual and communal wellness as well as increasing connectivity to the natural world. Individuals interacted with the installation by watching a film projected onto a pair of perpendicular walls and listening to an original musical score played …

Rain Road

Michaella Moon Rain road is based on the storybook, Rain Road, written by Michaella Moon and illustrated by Joanne Kim. The story follows the character Jane. Jane worries about her crops in the drought but manages to find a way to convince their friend Cloud to help them water their crops. As they skip along the dry desert; Cloud, overflowing …

Feedback Loops, All The Way Down

Feedback Loops, All The Way Down is an exploration of feedback loops and limited audience participation in an enclosed environment. The name comes from a mantra repeated in order to center and calm me down when I become overwhelmed by anxiety. The universe is a series of complex and interconnected feedback loops that influence every aspect of our lives and …

(+/-) Pendulum

Raphael Arar What does location mean in the information age? Using the mechanics of the Foucault Pendulum, this installation explores the physical and digital concepts of location. Concept The embodiment of physicality amidst digital noise has the potential to artificially harmonize notions of humanity. With one foot digital and one foot analog, how do we make sense of an environment …


Meason Wiley Phase.1 is first piece in an ongoing series of topographical sculptures depicting information we cannot see – the complex harmonic relationships of sound – by creating an augmented physical sound/data imprint of various sonic phenomena. Topographic Art is essentially art depicting places, buildings, and natural prospects in a realistic and detailed manner. This work attempts to focus on …

Yatra – The Journey Within

By Gauri Deshpande, MFA – Music TechnologyIntegrated Media Show & Installation at C-108 at CalArts10th to 15th April’23 Title of the Project: ‘Yatra – The Journey Within’ What the Project is About: Spirituality, Culture, Meditation​ “Yatra – The Journey Within” is a multi-channel and video installation that creates an immersive cultural experience for the audience! It is a spiritual journey through specialised …

Tulna तुलना

By Ajay Kapur, Ph.D. Presented at LACMA in Feb 2023 as part of the Art Coded Exhibition Comparison as discovery, equity, and morality, is the main inspiration for Tulna.  When we make comparisons between two or more expressions, we discover the differences and similarities between them. This piece explores a dichotomy between wood and metal, traditional and modern, simplicity and complexity. …