Artists in the age of digital media require new approaches to design and implementation using emerging technology. At California Institute of the Arts, we believe that every artist needs to be offered training on how to invent creative new possibilities for interaction with their performers, audiences and supporters, whether through the custom fabrication of technological objects and interfaces or web-based communication and career marketing strategies.
The Digital Arts Minor is purposely designed to help undergraduate students grasp the knowledge to build, engineer and design innovative custom systems to impact our understanding of how technology can be used in the arts. A student who completes the Digital Arts Minor has demonstrated aptitude in:
- Computer programming
- Web design
- Video editing
- Digital fabrication
- Digital sound production
- Graphic design
- Knowledge of the historical context of the digital arts
This interdisciplinary program mobilizes expertise from every program in the school, combining skills from music, theater, dance, film, art and critical studies for undergraduate students. The Digital Arts Minor benefits all students by adding a “value added” technology qualification. This Minor provides students will an invaluable asset in building a sustainable life in the arts by creating more options for showcasing and supporting their talents, while broadening competency using technology in a creative context.